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Stream your favorite PBS shows on-demand, create your perfect watchlist, livestream WETA and more when you download the App on your favorite streaming device. Simply create a PBS account and start streaming!
Support WETA and unlock everything WETA Passport has to offer with our most popular member benefit. Binge-watch popular shows before they air, stream WETA Passport exclusives and special collections, and catch-up on all your past favorites.
Available to everyone on the PBS Video App & (opens in new window) or (opens in new window)
Available with a WETA Passport membership on the PBS App & (opens in new window) or (opens in new window)
Mobile Devices
Android TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, Fire TV, Roku, Samsung, Vizio
Mac OS, Windows
Android, iOS
If you have your four-word activation code, you can activate your benefit here(opens in new window).
Here is a step-by-step WETA Passport activation video in new window).
For more information about the activation process, please see this article(opens in new window).
Go to this link to find your device, click on that icon, and follow step-by-step directions from there in new window).
Watch WETA Passport shows on or using the PBS Video app, available on the following platforms:
Available on Samsung devices 2017 models and newer. For more information on supported devices please see this article(opens in new window).
In addition to the shows and films featured on this page, the WETA Passport library is full of public television’s acclaimed arts, science, history, and lifestyle programs, with more being added all the time.
See what shows and films are currently being featured here(opens in new window).
Visit this page(opens in new window) to find more shows available for online streaming.
Because memberships are retained at a local level, you must email or call WETA in order to modify or cancel your Passport membership benefit. Contact information for WETA can be found on our FAQ page(opens in new window) or by emailing membership.
If you’re having trouble with device activation, activating your WETA Passport account please visit in new window) or the PBS support portal(opens in new window). Or feel free to call us at (703) 998-2724 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.